30 April 2008
28 April 2008
SMS Telemedicine Project for DTTBs
On October 10, 2007, Dr. Kenneth Ronquillo, Director of Health and Human Resource Development Bureau (HHRDB) and Dr. Portia Grace Marcelo, Assistant Chief of Community Oriented Medical Education Unit representing UP Manila Chancellor Ramon L. Arcardio spearheaded the MOA signing of the SMS Telemedicine Project with DTTBs at the Chali Beach Resort in Cagayan De Oro City.
The SMS Telemedicine Project for DTTBs is the use of SMS as the primary ICT modality for accepting referrals from Doctors-to-the-Barrios assigned throughout the Philippines. The main goal of the project is to extend the health services of the National TeleHealth Center to the remote and underserved areas of the country through the DTTB Program of the Department of Health (DOH).
Orientation and Training of TelePsychiatry Project in Infanta, Quezon
On March 10, 2008, Dra. Lourdes Ignacio, President of World Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation Philippines (WARP) and the National Telehealth Center went to Infanta,Quezon to launch the Orientation and Training of TelePsychiatry Project. The event was attended by the Municipal Health Officer,doctors,nurses and IT personnels. Dr. Lourdes Ignacio talked about the need for psychiatric services in the area due to the scarcity of psychiatrists in the Philippines. Protocols containing established management of psychiatric patients were also presented. In the afternoon, Dr. Alvin B. Marcelo, Director of the National Telehealth Center presented Telemedicine in the Philippines and the other on-going projects. Telehealth Nurse- Pia Tolentino discussed the basics of Videoconferencing for future teleconferencing needs of the health workers.
TeleSurgery Project
The TeleSurgery is a joint project of the National Telehealth Center and the Department of Surgery. This endeavor is composed of three components namely TeleRounds, Tele-OR and Tele-SICU.
TeleRounds is the installation of wireless access to Wards 2 and 4(Surgery Wards). A mobile laptop cart is being used to make rounds. The goal of this component is to be able to help the consultants do their rounds virtually and assess their patients in the hospital even they are not physically present
Tele-SICU (Surgery ICU) has the same set-up and activities with the telerounds. The difference of Tele-SICU from Telerounds is the implementation inside the intensive care unit. The added activity besides viewing the ICU patients, TeleSICU is also intended for monitoring the contraptions(ventilators,heart monitor) attached to the patients which serve as a telemetry aspect.
The Minimally Invasive Surgical Room is connected to the OR Conference Room via closed-circuit televisions (CCTV).Using this system,the goal is to provide an avenue of telementoring of General Surgeons located in MISR to the residents located in the OR conference room. Tele-OR is an interactive learning of different surgical procedures in real-time.
24 April 2008
Itbayat, Batanes Health Workers E-learn on Childhood Poisoning
NThC Explores Possibility of Conducting Telepsychiatry in CM Recto District Hospital in Infanta Quezon.
22 April 2008
NThC Joins Batanes PHO and Provincial Government in Giving a Symposium on Reproductive Health for High School Students

The National Telehealth Center field operations coordinator, Dr. HR Aujero joined Dr. Alethea de Guzman of the PHO, Mr. Jong Valientes, provincial administrator, and DOH representatives Ma. Leticia Bayaras, RN and Cristeta Afrondoso, RN on the morning of March 18, 2008 at the BNSHS. The topics covered were: Fertility, Human Sexuality, Myths and Facts, and Sexually Transmitted Infections. Also present at the event was Dr. Elaine Aguto (UPCM INTARMED 2006) an Ivatan herself and graduate of the Ivana National High School.
Forty-one students attended, mostly (38) girls. Majority of the students learn about sex from books and magazines followed by the internet. The symposium cum workshop came at the right time as a lot of them will be leaving for the mainland for college and that their knowledge about contraception is limited. Only 12 or 29% say they are aware of contraception. Furthermore all of the students say that they do not discuss sex with their parents. Forty of the students say they never had sex, only one did not indicate whether he/she ever did it. Other risky practices like smoking (3 do smoke), alcohol use (6), and illegal substance use (0) were quite unpopular for the students. At the end of the session, the students were shown how to properly use a condom.
National Telehealth Center Takes Part in Various Activities in Batanes

On March 13, the Ateneo de Manila University representatives of the Leaders for Health Program held a workshop on Technical Assistance Support Structures for LGU Department Heads for the two municipalities under the Leaders for Health Program namely Ivana (Dr. Alethea de Guzman) and Uyugan (Dr. Richard Lariosa). Dr. HR Aujero actively took part in the workshop, not just as a representative of the National Telehealth Center, but as another doctor in the community.
The next day, March 14, saw the arrival of the Southern Tagalog Group of Psychiatrists who held a symposium on various topics on Psychiatry and had a consultation for psychiatric patients and Special Education students. Among the topics discussed is alcohol abuse, a very relevant topic, since alcohol use, specially gin, is very prevalent in the province. In fact, the Batanes General Hospital has an ongoing program of alcohol abuse prevention among the young.
The first South-east Asian women on Mt Everest, along with the PAL Mountaineering Club, were in town to hold a workshop on basic mountaineering skills for boy scouts and guides on March 14. And on March 15, Team Everest conquered Mt. Iraya. Dr. HR Aujero joined them on this climb. Dr. Ted Esguerra, expedition doctor, shared his experiences on various climbs and how he was able to apply telemedicine in the harshest and remotest regions. Armed with a backpack of hi-tech medical equipment and satellite internet connection on his laptop, he was able to transmit live auscultation and video feed to his colleagues and their students in Stanford University. Dr. Esguerra expressed his confidence in Filipino ingenuity in developing similar technologies. He also extends his appreciation to Doctors to the Barrios in serving the remote areas of the country.
Batanes Provincial Government Re-Opens the Sabtang Community Hospital

The event was celebrated by blessing the facility and having a health fair afterwards. Services rendered were medical consultations (Dr. Roel Nicolas, Dr. Alethea de Guzman, and Dr HR Aujero of the National Telehealth Center), BP taking, Fasting Blood Sugar determination, BMI and waist-hip ratio taking, and Kapadinungan sa Kalusugan (KSK) [the province health insurance system] enlistment. A scalp abscess and lipoma were operated on by Dr. Aujero and Dr. de Guzman respectively.
Now the Rural Health Unit has an additional ally in giving health services to the people of Sabtang and its visitors. Further expansion and improvement of the Sabtang Community Hospital is being planned.
20 April 2008
The Director's Birthday Party
19 April 2008
NThC receives visitors from Bhutan
17 April 2008
NThC attends the km@doh
NThC joins the April PICATA meeting
NThC attends the 4th KEC of the PhilCeCNet
NThC Activities (March 2008)
Dr. Franco Antonio Felizarta, an Infectious Disease/HIV Specialist from USA, delivered a lecture on "HCV Infection" at the CeCOME Conference Room, UP College of Medicine.
13 March 2008
NThC conducted a training on "e-Health for Health Workers (CHITS Level 1)" for San Jose del Monte, Bulacan City Health Office and Gawad Kalusugan staff.
10 March 2008
Dr. Alvin Marcelo and Ms. Pia Athena Tolentino joined the TelePsychiatry team for a site visit at Infanta, Quezon. Ms. Tolentino delivered a lecture on "Videoconferencing."
3 March 2008
The DOST Telemedicine Project was formally launched at the PGH Dining Hall with project proponents from UP Diliman and UP Manila in attendance.
3 March 2008
Dr. Hypte Raymond Aujero was deployed to Batanes for a 3-month immersion to establish an e-Health facility in the province.
NThC Activities (February 2008)
Dr. Angel Bandola of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology delivered a lecture on "Basic Ultrasound for Obstetrics and Gynecology" at the NThC Conference Room.
22 February 2008
Pilot testing of the TeleOR project which connected the Minimally Invasive Surgical Unit (MISU) to the OR Conference Room.
21-23 February 2008
Roxas Site Visit by the BuddyWorks team.
12 February 2008
NThC attended the 10th Anniversary and 6th University Science and Technology Week Celebration of the National Institutes of Health with the theme, "Health Research Towards the Achievement of the Millennium Development Goals" held at the Century Park Hotel, Manila. Dr. Alex Gavino presented a paper on "Design and Implementation of Telehealth Services in the Philippines."
1-2 February 2008
NThC attended the 15th Grand Scientific Symposium of the UP College of Medicine with the theme, "The Brain & Behavior: Optimizing Function from Birth and Beyond" held at the Hyatt Hotel and Casino, Manila.
16 April 2008
NThC Activities (January 2008)
Ms. Pia Athena Tolentino delivered a lecture on “Telehealth Nursing in the Philippines” via videoconferencing between UP Manila and UP School for Health Sciences, Palo, Leyte.
29 January 2008
Teleconsultation between EVRMC and Dr. Millicent Tan-Ong as Rheumatology Domain Expert.
8 January 2008
NThC joined the UP Centennial Kick-off motorcade and activities at UP Diliman.
NThC Activities (December 2007)
NThC celebrated its Christmas Party at Don Henrico’s Restaurant, Pedro Gil, Manila.
NThC joined the UP Manila Lantern Parade with a lantern entry.
17-18 December 2007
NThC held its teambuilding workshop at Pansol, Laguna.
13 December 2007
Alexander Vo, PhD, Executive Director of the AT&T Center for Telehealth Research & Policy at the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB), delivered a lecture on “UTMB Electronic Health Network Systems and Programs” at the PGH Science Hall.
11 December 2007
NThC joined the “Adopt-a-Ward Program” of the UP Manila Christmas Celebrations Committee at Ward 15 (Obstetrics Ward).
NThC Activities (November 2007)
NThC met with Ateneo de Zamboanga University (ADZU) officials for collaboration projects on CHITS and Telemedicine.
1-3 November 2007
Dr. Alex Gavino presented a paper on “Free and Open Source Software for Health” at the 3rd National Conference of Telemedicine Society of India and the 12th International Society for Telemedicine and e-Health International Conference held at Chennai, India.
NThC Activities (October 2007)
NThC conducted an e-Health lecture and hands-on training on CHITS for DTTBs as part of their Continuing Medical Education Program at Cagayan de Oro City.
10 October 2007
NThC launched the SMS Telereferral for DTTBs (DTTB-100) with the MOA signing held at the Chali Beach Resort, Cagayan de Oro City.
NThC Activities (September 2007)
Dr. Alex Gavino presented the “National Telehealth Service Program” at the Health Informatics Conference held at the PGH Science Hall.
7 September 2007
e-Learning for Health (Tuberculosis and Bird Flu Modules) with Barangay Health Workers from the Province of Capiz and Dr. Nina Berba as Infectious Disease Domain Expert.
NThC Activities (August 2007)
Dr. Paul Fontelo of the Office of High Performance Computing and Communications, National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health gave a lecture on “Evidence-Based Medicine Resources at the National Library of Medicine (NLM) for the Mobile Clinician” at the NIH Conference Room, UP Manila.
21 August 2007
e-Learning for Health (Stroke Module) with participants from the Province of Nueva Vizcaya and Dr. JP Reyes as Neurology Domain Expert.
14-16 August 2007
Leyte Site Visit (EVRMC and UPM-SHS) by the Buddyworks Team.
NThC Activities (July 2007)
Tuguegarao Site Visit by the BuddyWorks Team.
10-12 July 2008
Iligan Site Visit by the BuddyWorks Team.
NThC Activities (1998)
Through the development of sustainable telehealth applications and through collaborations with organizations, health professionals, health workers, clients and community at large, the National Telehealth Center will lead in the promotion of the responsible use of the technology in health, ensure quality in its endeavors, and empower its clients through information and knowledge exchange.