28 April 2008

Orientation and Training of TelePsychiatry Project in Infanta, Quezon

On March 10, 2008, Dra. Lourdes Ignacio, President of World Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation Philippines (WARP) and the National Telehealth Center went to Infanta,Quezon to launch the Orientation and Training of TelePsychiatry Project. The event was attended by the Municipal Health Officer,doctors,nurses and IT personnels. Dr. Lourdes Ignacio talked about the need for psychiatric services in the area due to the scarcity of psychiatrists in the Philippines. Protocols containing established management of psychiatric patients were also presented. In the afternoon, Dr. Alvin B. Marcelo, Director of the National Telehealth Center presented Telemedicine in the Philippines and the other on-going projects. Telehealth Nurse- Pia Tolentino discussed the basics of Videoconferencing for future teleconferencing needs of the health workers.

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